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Foot washing was no Joke!
Foot washing was no Joke!
by Tim Pillinger
When Jesus washed his disciple's feet this wasn't some cozy ritual. They had been walking all day, in sandals, in a time where the main transport was horse and donkey. It was a job for the worst servant. The bottom of the heap. Jesus did this. He knows tomorrow he'll serve i…
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - I HAVE GIVEN YOU AN EXAMPLE
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - I HAVE GIVEN YOU AN EXAMPLE
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
I HAVE GIVEN YOU an EXAMPLE Jesus has washed the disciples’ feet and returned to the table (13:12). From our experience of church services and the other gospels we expect the institution of the holy communion next—but it is completely missing. Instead, Jesus begins to explain thi…
RE Active - Easter... with templates
RE Active - Easter... with templates
by SPCK - Jenny Gray
6 Easter In each school year, the RE curriculum will probably build on what children already know about Easter. In Hertfordshire (at the time of writing), Year 3 focuses on how christians celebrate Easter; Year 4 the Last Supper and Easter food; Year 5 the events of Holy Week; Ye…
4 results